Boy my boy, we are sure glad you are here. Celebrating the life of Elvis Presley.

Boy my boy, we are sure glad you are here. Celebrating the life of Elvis Presley.
As much as we admire Elvis for being the greatest entertainer who ever lived we have the utmost respect for Elvis the person. Elvis the man. Elvis the son. Elvis grew up without. Elvis' charitable endeavors. and much more.
Man, we are glad you are here and we are proud to bring you this website made by a lot of; hard work, passion, dedication, decades of preservation, input from our dear friends associated with Elvis Presley, and revisions.
FIRST and foremost we are Elvis fans.
We have been collecting anything of quality relating to Elvis Presley for over 7 decades with an emphasis on the years 1935-1977.
We are proud to be an internationally award-winning website.
We are proud to be a nationally award-winning website.
We are very proud to be in over 100 top 10 search categories pertaining to Elvis Presley.
We are and have been for years, a bonafide Official Elvis Presley Fan Club.
We put an emphasis on FACTS even when they are "adverse" about Elvis onstage and off.
Jeff Schrembs started this website after being diagnosed with cancer/ which, sadly, he is now battling again. The goal was and is. to provide the absolute BEST experience for Elvis Presley fans worldwide - students - teachers - those seeking truth(s) about Elvis - and most of all those wanting to have fun with all of the exceptional "found only here" ...content.
Enjoy yourself. Come back often. And please let others know about our website via social media.
Take care and may God bless you.
Jeff Schrembs is the founder of, Elvis Collector Worldwide, Elvis Collector Worldwide Forum, and Elvis Collector Worldwide Outreach.
Mr. Schrembs is an internationally recognized Elvis Presley collector, expert, author, historian, scholar, and preservationist dating back seven decades now.
Mr. Schrembs' answers, on Quora pertaining to Elvis Presley, have garnered over 2.4 million views. Here is the link:
How does one become an "Elvis expert"? Well, in the case of Mr. Schrembs, he lived during Elvis' career and was always a fan even when, at times, that wasn't the "cool thing" to be. Along the way, he met with, and or communicated with, those who knew Elvis firsthand, those who were related to Elvis, those in Elvis' inner circle, etc.
Additionally, Mr. Schrembs has read just about every book, of quality about Elvis Presley and has listened to every known Elvis record, interview, etc. including rare soundboard recordings.
Note that on the last page of this website, we list other sources that we believe in and many of these know more about Elvis than we ever will. That's one of the many great things about Elvis being that we learn something every day.
Mr. Schrembs is sharing his knowledge about Elvis Presley without charge and with a premium on facts and context.
Welcome to
Take care and may God bless you.
Jeff Schrembs circa 2023
I have always enjoyed the multi-aspects of Elvis the man. Elvis the father., Elvis the son, Elvis spiritually, Elvis' loves, Evis' dreams, and everyday Elvis.
Elvis was the greatest entertainer who ever lived. His movies, some are not good, always made a healthy profit which no other actor can say. His live performances were phenomenal. His music resonates even now.
This site has original articles by Jeff Schrembs. Rare and unique Elvis memorabilia. Rare photographs and documents. The content you will only find here at
Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo Mississippi, on January 8, 1935 having been delivered by the local doctor via a “house call” (i.e. the physician came to the home as opposed to a hospital) .
This home was built by Vernon Presley, Elvis father, in the type of home known, in the south, as a “shotgun house” which meant that if you were to shoot a shotgun standing in the front door it would go all the way through the house without hitting anything else while passing through the back door (I.e. there were no walls other than the 4 exterior walls).
Jesse Garon Presley, who was Elvis identical twin brother, was delivered (approximately) 35 minutes before him, (sadly) stillborn.
As an only child, Elvis became close to both parents and formed an unusually tight bond with his mother. The family attended an Assembly of God church where he found an outlet for his musical inclinations.
Johannes Valentin Bressler, the founder of the Presley family in America, was born in the Palatinate, Germany, 1669 in the village of Hochstadt (where the Preslar family was first mentioned in 1494); Valentine was employed there as a vine dresser; he married Anna Christiana Franse (Born Germany 1674) and immigrated to New York in 1710; with some French Norman; one of Gladys’ great-great-grandmothers was Cherokee Indian and, according to family accounts, one of her great-grandmothers was Jewish. Gladys was regarded by relatives and friends as the dominant member of the small family.
Elvis Presley descended from the Bressler (Presley) line, the name being Americanized down the line, first into Preslar, then Pressley and finally Presley but only because his Great Grand Mother, Rosella Pressley adopted her maiden name for her children. She never did tell any of her children who their father was.
Rosella bore nine ‘illegitimate’ children, never once identifying to her children who their fathers were. Rosella stubbornly, and resourcefully, supported them through sharecropping. Mrs. Doshia Steele, one of Rosella’s daughters, said this of her plight. ‘I can’t remember anyone ever talking about who our father was, It was a big mystery when we were children. My mother just didn’t talk about it’. Rosella, internalized the abandonment and re-enacted it throughout her life. Beginning at age nineteen and continuing over 28 years.
Rosella’s son, Jessie D. McDowell (J.D.) Pressley (1896-1973) was Elvis’ Grand Father. He was born on April 9, 1896 in Itawamba County, Mississippi, to Rosella Presley, unmarried, and John Wallace (Elvis’ great-grandfather). So though the rightful (traditional) surname would have been Wallace, Rosella gave her children her own name, her maiden name of Presley.
Elvis Grandfather, Jessie, J.D. Presley used the double ‘s’ before changing to the single ‘s’ after his great grandson attained international fame.
Elvis Presley - a generational thing:
Elvis Presley – a generational…thing
Being in the hospital is something that I have had to deal with. But, being in the hospital for extended periods of time is upsetting to say the least. Being in an “isolation room”, due to fear of further infection, is something else all together.
My heart and prayers go out to medical care providers and their family/loved ones. And I mean everyone from the trash collector, to the volunteers, to the doctors and everything else. I feel the same way about the patients themselves and their family/loved ones.
The design of the local hospital is similar with Baptist Hospital where Elvis (sadly) was taken when he died on August 16, 1977 and where he was admitted numerous times for various medical issues. But, the technology and the medical advances between the 1970’s and now is almost incalculable. It amazes me.
I have had the occasion to listen to many of my eclectic playlist, record collection, digital music downloads, etc. and YES I have every Elvis Presley song ever recorded my taste in music, and my favorites depending on the mood, I listen to a vast array of artists many (sadly) have died but they left behind, as Elvis did, great quality of musical works. I will say that Elvis sounded as good if not better onstage, and he moved around quite a lot, as he did on his recordings which were NEVER digitally enhanced and/or auto tuned or anything else as Elvis had great instinctual vocal inflections and a beautiful four and a half octave vocal range. The man flat out could sing.
I find myself, more often that I would like, getting emails or phone calls about those who were close to Elvis undergoing medical hardships and/or passing away. My heart goes out to them as do my prayers. We are literally losing, each month and each year, people who were or quality and witnessed Elvis’ personal and professional triumphs, setbacks, frustrations, etc. And each generation that comes along rarely knows the names of these exceptional people.
I am very weak but I had this on my mind as my granddaughters, who are personally and musically wholly unique, have been listening to Elvis songs. They are still in elementary school and for them to like, appreciate, learn the words, and even sing the songs that Elvis recorded decades before they took their first breath is…remarkable. Does Elvis dominate their musical tastes? No, but I have always believed in quality over quantity.
Elvis’ music has been a part of the soundtrack of my life for better or worse. It is ingrained in my mind and associated with a lifetime of memories (which becomes harder and harder as getting older is not “fun” and it takes adverse tolls on your mind and your body jack). But, unlike so many I put Elvis’ life into context with equal footing for each of his great works and his failures/shortcomings personally and in his career. I don’t gloss over facts.
For those of my generation no one else knows of how life used to be and how it was cool when Elvis was around and killing it onstage/tv and producing songs that warranted being played over and over until the record itself could not be played again. Many of them were that good.
Throughout Elvis’ career he had fans across every generation and, though not as often, continues to do so to this day. I hope future generations will be exposed, and like, to Elvis’ life and his decades of great professional works in every media genre. Though so much as changed I have faith in the generations to acknowledge quality and if they do then Elvis Presley will always be relevant and that, my friends, is a good thing indeed generational or not.
Take care and may God bless you.
Elvis loved playing practical jokes and cheating at board, and card, games.
For several years Elvis paid the IRS 90% of his income. Yes 90% is correct. Can you imagine?
Elvis was self taught to play the piano. He also played around with drums and, of all things, an accordian.
Elvis did not like people, other than those he loved/were related to/close friends/family, to watch him eat. As he got older he disliked it more.
Elvis is the most photographed person, including being an entertainer, in the world.
All of Elvis' movies made money for the movie studio(s).
No other actor can make this claim.
Elvis never received any Grammy Awards, in any category including rock, other than the 3 Grammys he won in the religious category.
Elvis made a commitment to himself, after he received regional success in the south, that he would never wear blue jeans again. In an interview he said "man as a child all I had was jean overalls as far back as I remember".
Elvis said, numerous times over his life, that if he wasn't successful in his profession, that he would become a gospel singer.
Elvis and J.D. Sumner met when Elvis was in his teens and they became friends. Elvis promised J.D. that one day they would sing together onstage frequently. True to his word J.D was an integral part of Elvis' recordings and concerts throughout the 1970's.
Elvis had his own verbal portfolio sometimes repeating the same word over and over. Here are a few; man, boy my boy, burnt, baby, lordy lordy, I would not do that for love or money, gone, flippy, "are you the one"? (note: he often used this term on waitresses, when he felt flirty, or when he caught the eye of a pretty girl), cat, mess around, ok, rocked, crazy, and blow.
Man that record came out and was real big in Memphis. They started playing it, and it got real big. Don't know why-the lyrics had no meaning. (Elvis Presley)
Since the beginning, it was just the same. The only difference, the crowds are bigger now.
The closest I ever came to getting married was just before I started singing. In fact, my first record saved my neck.
The colored folks been singing it and playing it just like I'm doing' now, man, for more years than I know. I got it from them.
The image is one thing and the human being is another. It's very hard to live up to an image, put it that way.
The Lord can give, and the Lord can take away. I might be herding sheep next year.
The next thing I knew, I was out of the service and making movies again. My first picture was called, GI Blues. I thought I was still in the army.
There are too many people that depend on me. I'm too obligated. I'm in too far to get out
A live concert to me is exciting because of all the electricity that is generated in the crowd and on stage. It's my favorite part of the business, live concerts.
I did the Ed Sullivan show four times. I did the Steve Allen show. I did the Jackie Gleason show.
I knew by heart all the dialogue of James Dean's films; I could watch "Rebel Without a Cause: a hundred times over.
I'd just like to be treated like a regular customer.
I'll never make it, it will never happen, because they're never going to hear me 'cause they're screaming all the time.
Later on they send me to Hollywood. To make movies. It was all new to me. I was only 21 years old.
Man, I really like Vegas.
Man that record came out and was real big in Memphis. They started playing it, and it got real big. Don't know why-the lyrics had no meaning.
“Don't criticize what you don't understand, son. You never walked in that man's shoes.”
“I have no use for bodyguards, but I have very specific use for two highly trained certified public accountants.”
“Music should be something that makes you gotta move, inside or outside”
“Do what's right for you, as long as it don't hurt no one”
“Rock and roll music, if you like it, if you feel it, you can't help but move to it. That's what happens to me. I can't help it.'”
I believe in the Bible. I believe that all good things come from God. I don't believe I'd sing the way I do if God hadn't wanted me to.' ” ...
When the Beatles came to Elvis’ home Elvis said “Look guys, if you're just going to stare at me, I'm going to bed!”
"I had too much praise, too much flattery and fawning over, and I needed to remember me: who I was, where I came from. One time I called a relative in Tupelo. It was Christmas and they were havin' dinner. I asked "What?" and she was kind a quiet, then said, "Meatloaf." I was shocked, we'd had the best, you know, turkey, ham, steak, everything. She said that it was near the first and they'd run out of money so they just had to eat meat loaf. It hurt me... And so, I ate meat loaf for about 8 months, every night, so I'd remember where I came from and to remind me of how many people were unable to have what I did. It was kind of a penance."
Speech before the Jaycees (Elvis accepted his award for being one of the “outstanding young men”)
"When I was a child, ladies and gentleman, I was a dreamer.
I read comic books, and I was a hero in the movie.
So every dream that I ever dreamed has come true a hundred times.
I learned very early in life that without a song, the day would never end;
Without a song, a man ain't got a friend;
Without a song, the road would never bend;
Without a song.
So I keep singing a song.
Goodnight, Thank You"
The Commercial-Appeal Mid-South Magazine, March 7, 1965
“When I complete a movie or a record session, I head for Graceland as fast as I can. I withdraw not from my fans, but from myself. After work, I just give out. I like to come back here to think and relax. I guess in that respect I have withdrawn, but here it’s quiet and I can reevaluate myself and see where I’m going.” —
Seattle press conference; September 1, 1957
"I love football most of all, but I haven’t any time for it. I haven’t any time for anything I like. On the move every minute. Why, I’ve only averaged three hours sleep a night the last week. Can’t go to a football game or a baseball game or a movie or even the county fair in my own home town. It’s the girls … they tear a guy to pieces … its pandemonium. They don’t mean no harm, but I’ve been clawed and scratched, mauled, shoved and kicked. I’ve even been bitten. Football was never like this.”
Radio interview, Little Rock, Arkansas: May 16, 1956.
“Rock and roll has been in for about five years. I’m not gonna sit here and say that it’s gonna last because I don’t know. But all I can say is that it’s good, the people like it, it’s sellin’ … It might change. Like years ago when the Charleston was real popular, or the vaudeville acts, stuff like that. You could ‘a told those people maybe it was gonna die out and they wouldn’t of believed you. But it’s dead now, see. And maybe four or five years from now, well, rock and roll will be dead. As far as rock and roll goes, I really like it. I enjoy doing’ it, and the people have really accepted it great and it just makes me wanna knock myself out to keep giving’ ’em something’ that they enjoy.” —
1956 Elvis interview, this one from August 6 for TV Guide:
Reporter (reading from a Miami Herald article by Herb Rau): “‘Elvis can’t sing, can’t play the guitar.’ Can you play the guitar?”
Elvis: “No, and I can’t sing, either, but somebody likes it.”
Reporter: “‘And he can’t dance.’”
Elvis: “No, can’t dance. I can’t do nothing but read Herb Rau’s article in the newspaper. That’s all I can do.”
Reporter: “‘Yet two thousand idiots per show,’ to continue the quotation, ‘yelp every time he opens his mouth, plucks a guitar string, or shakes his pelvis like any striptease babe in town.’ Do you shake your pelvis like any striptease babe in town?”
Elvis: “Well, he should know. I guess that’s where he hangs around.”
Telephone interview while in Germany, January 3, 1959
“I would give my neck to be back home. I am homesick all the time … I’m happy to do my part in the Army, but you’ll never know how much I want to get back home … back to the entertainment business one way or another the rest of my life … whether playing or as a stagehand. You will never know how wonderful old Memphis is until you’ve been away for a while.”
San Francisco Chronicle, June 8, 1969.
Most of the scripts that come my way are all the same. They've all got a load of songs in them, but I just did a western called 'Charro!' which hasn't any songs 'excepting the title tune. It did have a couple of nude scenes, but they've been cut. Anyhow, can you imagine a dramatic western where the hero breaks into song all the time?"
From a 1972 taped interview used in MGM’s documentary "Elvis on Tour"
“We do two shows a night for five weeks. A lotta times we’ll go upstairs and sing until daylight - gospel songs. We grew up with it...It more or less puts your mind at ease. It does mine.”
-Talking about the informal jam sessions he and the band and entourage enjoy each night during the lengthy Vegas engagements. These happen upstairs in Elvis’ suite at the Las Vegas Hilton as they all try to “wind down” from the excitement and energy of the live shows. Quote is from a 1972 taped interview used in MGM’s documentary "Elvis on Tour."
“I’ve never gotten over what they call stage fright. I go through it every show. I’m pretty concerned, I’m pretty much thinking about the show. I never get completely comfortable with it, and I don’t let the people around me get comfortable with it, in that I remind them that it’s a new crowd out there, it’s a new audience, and they haven’t seen us before. So it’s got to be like the first time we go on.”
“The first time that I appeared on stage, it scared me to death. I really didn’t know what all the yelling was about. I didn’t realize that my body was moving. It’s a natural thing to me. So to the manager backstage I said, ‘What’d I do? What’d I do?’ And he said “Whatever it is, go back and do it again.”
Man, I was tame compared to what they do now. Are you kidding? I didn’t do anything but just jiggle.”
“...the image is one thing and the human being is’s very hard to live up to an image.”
Elvis at a press conference prior to his 1973 television special, "Elvis - Aloha from Hawaii, via Satellite"
“A live concert to me is exciting because of all the electricity that is generated in the crowd and on stage. It’s my favorite part of the business - live concerts.”
The New York Post; October 4, 1956.
“I remember this blond girl in Atlanta. She came to three different shows. And she sat in the first row and screamed all through all of them. The night we closed she decided to come up on the stage and almost got up there, when about five policemen grabbed her and she was screaming ‘Let me at him.’ It broke up the house and I got so tickled I had to walk off that stage.”
Said in 1977 at the end of a concert during his last tour
“‘Til we meet again, may God bless you. Adios.”
1. Elvis Presley's Graceland, a National Historic Landmark toured by over 600,000 annually, is one of America's most visited historic homes and features a festive seasonal display and exhibit for visitors during the Holidays each year.
2. As part of the tradition since Graceland opened for public tours in 1982, the annual Holiday lights display at the mansion is turned on during a public lighting ceremony at dusk on the day after Thanksgiving. This year, 2008, the ceremony is set to begin before Thanksgiving on Friday November 21st when Elvis' traditional lights and decorations on the mansion property will come to life during a special lighting ceremony at the front gates of Graceland.
3. Beginning with his first Christmas at Graceland in 1957, Elvis had a Santa, sleigh and reindeer displayed on the front lawn with the message "Merry Christmas to All, Elvis" spelled out above it. A replica of the original sign is in use today. The original was found in Graceland's barn during spring cleaning several years ago and is currently in climate controlled storage for preservation purposes.
4. Giving a new meaning to Blue Christmas, Elvis himself made the decision to line the winding driveway of Graceland with hundreds of blue light bulbs. His father Vernon often joked that he was lucky if a plane didn't try to land at Graceland, thinking it was an airport runway.
5. Throughout the Graceland mansion tour, various Christmas gifts are displayed for visitors to see including a set of bongo drums Priscilla Presley gave to Elvis and his beloved Bible, given to him by the entourage known as the Memphis Mafia. Another rare artifact on display during the Holidays is a portable television Elvis gave his Mother, Gladys, in 1957.
6. The life size nativity scene displayed on Graceland's front lawn along with several aluminum trees that line the front of the house were first used by Elvis starting in the early 1960's and remain in use today. The interior of the Graceland mansion is normally decked in Elvis's Christmas decor for the Holiday season and includes Presley family Christmas artifacts on display around the decorated trees.
7. Starting in the 60's, Elvis decided to have the draperies in the front rooms of the Graceland Mansion switched from the traditional blue to a festive red for the Holidays. Members of the Presley family routinely sneak back to Graceland each year for a private celebration during the Holiday season where they exchange gifts in the Jungle Room and enjoy a southern style home cooked meal in the formal dining room.
10 Facts about 1034 Audubon Drive:
1. The home was not built for Elvis, nor was it a brand new home. In fact, it was built by Howard and Ruth Handwerker for their family. They completed the home either in late 1953 or early 1954. Howard was employed by a wood products company and had experience in home construction. He designed his home with special features; redwood wall paneling, pocket doors that slide into the walls, and red oak floors. When the Handwerkers moved out in 1956, Elvis bought the home, making the Presley family the second owners of 1034 Audubon Drive.
2. They bought the home in March 1956, not May 11, 1956 as many people have written. The transaction papers were signed on March 8 and 12, 1956. The Presley family; Elvis, Vernon, Gladys, and Minnie Mae, moved into the house the last week of the month.
3. It is also written that they paid $40,000 for the home. Actually they paid $29,100, still a lot of money in those days for a home. The erroneous information about the date and price of this transaction stems from a newspaper article printed on May 11, 1956.
4. Obviously, Elvis provided the money to buy the home. But he signed the documents to own the home with his mother and father, giving all three "title" to the home. In fact, the following year all three would sign similar documents to take possession of Graceland. These documents are further proof that Elvis shared his success with his family.
5. Part of the legend is that the neighbors did not like Elvis. Some of the neighbors were said to regard the Presleys as "white trash, hillbillies." Or they viewed his performances as crude or sinful. Apparently not everyone on Audubon Drive shared those views. A few of the surviving neighbors are careful to explain that they liked the family, but did not like the noise and confusion surrounding them.
6. No matter how the parents of Audubon Drive felt, the 60 or more children growing up on the street loved having the King of Rock and Roll live "next door". For the young girls entering their sexual awaking, he must have quite a treat. The boys saw Elvis as the "leader of the pack." Elvis was accommodating to them all; signing autographs, giving motorcycle rides, playing football with the boys.
7. The Presley family tried to be good neighbors. Those who met them particularly remember Gladys feeding cookies to the nearby children, or showing off her vegetable garden by the swimming pool. Vernon was not as friendly. They saw less of Elvis, but he was always polite to his elders. The year 1956 was the beginning of Elvis mania, when he was mobbed everywhere he traveled. The Audubon Drive home became an unofficial tourism attraction in the city, especially when Elvis was home. The Presley's understood that the unbridled enthusiasm for Elvis was a distraction, but were unable to solve the problem.
8. Many of the most famous pictures of Elvis were taken at 1034 Audubon Drive. Elvis allowed Alfred Wertheimer to follow him at close range for months that year. Alfred shot Elvis, young cousin Billy Smith, and Vernon sitting by the patio table. Elvis has cocked his head to one side to observe the photographer and is holding a Pepsi bottle. This photo has been reproduced thousands of times. An even more famous photo is of Elvis on his Harley-Davidson, casting his eyes downward. It is the most iconic photo of moody, restless youth of the 1950's. Actually, Elvis was not striking a pose, but was disgusted that his motorcycle did not have gas in the tank. He could not start it.
9. Eight families have owned 1034 Audubon between the years 1957 to 1998. After all these years, Elvis was the last homeowner to add a room to the house. Elvis converted the outdoor patio into a large den; with a glass wall to look out to the pool, two wood and glass trophy cases, mahogany wood paneling, custom made star shaped light fixtures, and an acoustic tile ceiling. The room looks the same today. Although he was the homeowner for one year, he made far more changes to the house than everyone else after him.
10. Finally they knew that they had to move into a place with more privacy and security than was possible at 1034 Audubon Drive. It is well known that the Presley bought Graceland from Ruth Brown Moore, a member of a wealthy Memphis family who built that estate home in 1939. Graceland was named after a relative of Mrs. Moore, but few knew that Mrs. Moore swapped homes with the Presley's. She took possession of 1034 Audubon Drive and rented it to another relative. Elvis paid $102,000 for Graceland, half of that in cash, and half in the assessed value of 1034 Audubon Drive.
Some cool Elvis items coming to Graceland (November 2014)
By Ryan Reed | November 14, 2014
Elvis Presley's first recording – an acetate disc cut at Sun Records studio Memphis Recording Service on July 18th, 1953 – is headed to an auction that will take place at Graceland, the late singer's famed Memphis estate, on January 8th, the date that would have been his 80th birthday. According to The New York Times, the item, which features "My Happiness," backed with "That's When Your Heartaches Begin," is the only copy of its kind in existence.
The origins of the recording, which has appeared on several compilations, are the subject of debate. One oft-disputed story claims that Presley recorded the disc as a present for his mother; but the singer ended up giving the item to his friend Ed Leek, who claimed to have given Presley four dollars to pay for the session. Although Graceland hasn't offered an auction estimate for the disc, Record Collector magazine previously listed it at $500,000.
Other listed items in the January auction, all of which have been authenticated by Graceland, include Presley's first
driver's license (from 1952), a signed contract for a "Louisiana Hayride" radio show appearance in 1955 and an autographed 78 r.p.m. copy of Presley's debut Sun Records single, "That's All Right" (also from the Leek collection). All of the items are from private collectors, not Graceland's own collection.
This is Graceland's second memorabilia auction, following an event in August that featured Presley's Martin D-28 guitar, 1976 Cadillac Seville and a personal copy of the original script for his debut film, Love Me Tender, which came out in 1956
(by Jeff Schrembs 2020 All Rights Reserved):
Contract # 1 - Paramount on April 25, 1956
Elvis’ first move contract was for a “1 picture deal” with the option for “6 more”. Elvis received $15,000 for the first movie, $20,000 for the second, $25,000 for the third, and increasing to a maximum of $100,000 for the seventh. The Colonel negotiated a provision that allowed Elvis to star, with another studio, for “1 picture per year”. The movies were entitled “Loving You (1957) and King Creole (1958)”. In January 1957 the Colonel renegotiated a $ 50,000.00 bonus, due to the box office success, for Loving You. Nine months later, in November, the Colonel renegotiated successfully for Elvis to receive $30,000 in expenses as well as another $50,000 bonus for King Creole.
Contract # 2 - 20th Century Fox August 1956
The Colonel negotiated a contract which Elvis received $100,000. Elvis would also be “billed” as “co-starring”, in the movie promos and on the movie theatres marquees, otherwise known as “second billing”. Additionally it gave Fox an option for a “2 picture deal” with Elvis to receive the sums of $150,000 and $200,000 respectfully. The Colonel renegotiated in October 1958 for Elvis to receive an increased fee, for the option on the “2 picture deal”, of $200,000 and $250,000. The movies were entitled “Flaming Star (1960) and Wild in the Country (1961)”.
Contract # 3 – Metro Goldwyn Mayer February 1957
The Colonel exerted his right, under the terms of the Paramount contract, to reach an agreement with MGM on a “1 picture deal”. Elvis received $ 250,000.00. The movie was entitled “Jailhouse Rock (1957)”. Worth noting is that the Colonel negotiated a provision, which was previously unheard of in Hollywood, for Elvis to receive 50% of the movie profits.
Contract # 4 - Paramount October 1958
The Colonel renegotiated the 1956 contract so that Elvis received $175,000 along with an option for a “3 picture deal” where Elvis would be paid; $125,000, $150,000, and $175,000. The movie was entitled “G.I. Blues (1960)”.
Contract # 5 - United Artists November 1960
Colonel Parker negotiated a “2 picture deal” and Elvis received $500,000 and 50% of the profits. The movies were entitled “Follow That Dream (1961) and Kid Galahad (1962)”.
Contract # 6 - Paramount January 1961
The Colonel renegotiated the 1958 contract so that Elvis received $175,000 for the first “3 pictures” and $200,000 each for the “last 2 pictures”. This “5 picture deal” included the movies entitled “Blue Hawaii (1960) which would be Elvis most successful motion picture, Girls! Girls! Girls! (1962), Fun in Acapulco (1963), Roustabout (1964), and Paradise Hawaiian Style (1966)”. The Colonel renegotiated for Elvis to receive a bonus of $90,000, which the Colonel would receive $45,000.00, for “Paradise Hawaiian Style”.
Contract # 7 - MGM January 1961
The Colonel further enhanced his negotiation skills, after finishing the “5 picture deal” with Paramount, for a “4 picture deal” with MGM. Elvis would receive $400,000 per picture plus $75,000 for expenses and $25,000 for musical expenses. The Colonel included a provision that once MGM recouped $500,000 then Elvis would receive 50% of the profits. The movies were entitled “It Happened At the World’s Fair (1963), Viva Las Vegas (1963), Kissin’ Cousins (1964), and Girl Happy (1965)”.
Contract # 8 - Allied Artists November 1963
Colonel Parker negotiated a “1 picture deal” and Elvis received $600,000 plus $150,000 for expenses and 50% of the profits. The movie was entitled “Tickle Me”.
Contract # 9 - United Artists December 1964
Colonel Parker negotiated a “2 picture deal” with Elvis being paid $650,000 each. The movies were entitled “Frankie and Johnny (1966) and Clambake (1967)”.
Contract # 10 - MGM December 1964
Parker negotiated another “3 picture deal” with MGM. Elvis was to receive a total compensation of one million dollars for the first movie paid out (a) with a lump sum of $ 750,000.00 and (b) the remaining balance of $ 250,000.00 paid out over the course of (5) five years at $ 1,000.00 per week. Additionally, Elvis received 40% of the profits. The movies were entitled “Harum Scarum (1965), Spinout (1966), and Double Trouble (1967)”.
Contract # 11 - MGM January 1966
MGM and the Colonel agreed to extend the 1964 contract for a “4 picture deal”. Elvis received $850,000 per picture and 50% of the profits. The 4 movies were entitled “Speedway (1967), Stay Away, Joe (1968), Live a Little, Love a Little (1968), and The Trouble With Girls (1968)”.
Contract # 12 - Paramount April 1966
The Colonel entered into negotiations with Hal Wallis about a new contract for Elvis. Elvis received $500,000 per picture and with 20% of the profits. They negotiated for over 6 months before coming to terms which included the provision for a “1 picture deal” with no options for another. The movie was entitled “Easy Come, Easy Go (1967)”.
Contract # 13 - National General November 1967
The Colonel worked out an agreement with National General for a “1 picture deal”. Elvis would receive $850,000 and 50% of the profits. In response to Elvis’ demand this movie, “Charro!” (1969) would not include any singing, by Elvis, other than the title song.
Contract # 14 – NBC/Universal January 12, 1968
NBC Vice President Tom Sarnoff announced a deal with Colonel Parker for Elvis to have a “Christmas Television Special” sponsored by the Singer Sewing Company. Fortunately this infamous TV Special of 1968 would be Elvis performing before a live audience and reclaiming his throne as the “King of Rock and Roll” and the “King of Entertainment”. The deal included provisions for Elvis to make a movie with NBC’s subsidiary company Universal Studios. Elvis received $850,000 for the movie entitled “Change of Habit (1969)” and another $25,000 for the music in the film.
Contract # 15 - MGM April 1970
Colonel Parker worked out a deal with MGM for Elvis’ first “live onstage documentary” . The setting would be of Elvis Las Vegas Concerts. Elvis was paid $500,000. The movie was entitled “Elvis That’s the Way It Is” and was released in November 1970.
Contract #16 - MGM March 1972
Just a month prior to Elvis’s 15 city tour in April 1972 the Colonel put together a deal with MGM for another documentary. Elvis reportedly received $1 million for his thirty-third and final motion picture entitled “Elvis on Tour”.
At the age of two, little Elvis Presley cried for two days when his pet rooster died. Elvis always had a fondness for animals, even stuffed ones, including his beloved teddy bear, which he named "Mabel."
Elvis had a huge collection of teddy bears in the early days of his career; they were sent to him by swooning girls by the score. He even had a model of "Nipper," the RCA dog, which he kept in his bedroom in later years. In 1957 in L.A.,
Elvis had several pet dogs over the years. As a boy, he looked after two small dogs that he named "Woodlawn" and "Muffy Dee." When he was serving in the army and was stationed out in Germany, he kept a poodle named "Champagne."
He liked giving dogs as gifts to the women in his life he loved. He gave his beloved mother, Gladys, a dog called "Sweet Pea;" he gave a toy poodle named "Little Bit" to his early girlfriend, Anita Wood; he gave a poodle named "Honey" to his wife Priscilla; and he gave "Foxhugh," a Maltese, to one of his last girlfriends, Linda Thompson.
By the end of 1960, Elvis' pet collection at Graceland included a monkey, spider monkeys, peacocks, chickens, pigs, poodles, and a Great Pyrenees dog called "Muffin."
Elvis had a chow called "Get Low" in the seventies who outlived his master by a year.
Elvis wasn't so fond of cats, although stray that turned up on the Graceland grounds would be found new homes. He did reputedly have a pet cat called "Wendell," named after his co-star in his movie Loving You, Wendell Corey.
When Elvis and his family moved to Graceland mansion in 1957, the barns were stocked with pigs and chickens. That year, Elvis drove out to the country, filled the back seat of his Cadillac with geese and brought them back to Graceland to keep the lawn trim.
Elvis also kept a few donkeys he had been given in the drained Graceland swimming pool when he first moved in, until work was finished on the fence around the property. Thought the larger farm animals were gradually pensioned off, Elvis retained a hen house at Graceland for a supply of fresh eggs. At one time or another,
Elvis also had goats and turkeys (one called "Bow Tie").
Elvis donated a wallaby to the Memphis Zoo after receiving it as a gift from Australian fans in 1957. He became a serial wallaby donator by repeating the gift in 1962.
Elvis was briefly a cattle rancher when he bought the Circle G Ranch in 1967. He bought horses for all his entourage and his wife Priscilla.
Elvis loved riding his horse "Rising Sun." He often went out riding with Priscilla, he on "Rising Sun" and she on "Domino," the horse Elvis bought for her. Once "Rising Sun" got upset and started running amok with Elvis on him. Elvis couldn't so anything to stop him. Finally, after a wild, uncontrolled ride, "Rising Sun" came to a stop. Most people would have been scared in such a situation, but Elvis was furious.
According to a witness, Elvis jumped off the horse and -literally- punched him in the face (much like the famous scene in the Mel Brooks movie Blazing Saddles a few years later).
For a while, he had a peacock on the Graceland grounds, but the bird started damaging the cars, after which it was given away. He also owned myna birds, one of which could say, "Elvis! Go to hell." The Graceland menagerie included mules at one time. Snakes that happened to venture onto Graceland had a rough time. A maid remembers Elvis blazing away with a rifle at a tree after a snake was seen slithering up the trunk.
He acquired his first monkey, a spider monkey called "Jayhew" back in 1956, to liven up his home. His best known pet was a very fresh, mischievous chimpanzee called "Scatter." Elvis loved this crazy monkey, but hardly anyone else shared the King's affinity. Elvis enjoyed walking around and carrying "Scatter" on his shoulder and often brought him out to Hollywood when he was filming movies in the '60s. "Scatter" liked to wear clothes, drink whiskey, and tear up rooms. Elvis bought him a wardrobe of suits and ties. "Scatter" had the annoying (at least to the women involved) habit and penchant for pulling up women's dresses. When drunk, he had no qualms about about engaging in public masturbation. "Scatter" was reputedly poisoned in revenge by a maid he had bitten. Other sources pin his demise on alcohol-related liver problems.
RARE photograph of Elvis with his donkey circa 1957.
PRESS Inquiries:
1. The home was not built for Elvis, nor was it a brand new home. In fact, it was built by Howard and Ruth Handworker for their family. They completed the home either in late 1953 or early 1954. Howard was employed by a wood products company and had experience in home construction. He designed his home with special features; redwood wall paneling, pocket doors that slide into the walls, and red oak floors. When the Handworkers moved out in 1956, Elvis bought the home, making the Presley family the second owners of 1034 Audubon Drive.
2. They bought the home in March 1956, not May 11, 1956 as many people have written. The transaction papers were signed on March 8 and 12, 1956. The Presley family; Elvis, Vernon, Gladys, and Minnie Mae, moved into the house the last week of the month.
3. It is also written that they paid $40,000 for the home. Actually they paid $29,100, still a lot of money in those days for a home. The erroneous information about the date and price of this transaction stems from a newspaper article printed on May 11, 1956.
4. Obviously, Elvis provided the money to buy the home. But he signed the documents to own the home with his mother and father, giving all three "title" to the home. In fact, the following year all three would sign similar documents to take possession of Graceland. These documents are further proof that Elvis shared his success with his family.
5. Part of the legend is that the neighbors did not like Elvis. Some of the neighbors were said to regard the Presley’s as "white trash, hillbillies." Or they viewed his performances as crude or sinful. Apparently not everyone on Audubon Drive shared those views. A few of the surviving neighbors are careful to explain that they liked the family, but did not like the noise and confusion surrounding them.
6. No matter how the parents of Audubon Drive felt, the 60 or more children growing up on the street loved having the King of Rock and Roll live "next door". For the young girls entering their sexual awaking, he must have quite a treat. The boys saw Elvis as the "leader of the pack." Elvis was accommodating to them all; signing autographs, giving motorcycle rides, playing football with the boys.
7. The Presley family tried to be good neighbors. Those who met them particularly remember Gladys feeding cookies to the nearby children, or showing off her vegetable garden by the swimming pool. Vernon was not as friendly. They saw less of Elvis, but he was always polite to his elders. The year 1956 was the beginning of Elvis mania, when he was mobbed everywhere he traveled. The Audubon Drive home became an unofficial tourism attraction in the city, especially when Elvis was home. The Presley’s understood that the unbridled enthusiasm for Elvis was a distraction but were unable to solve the problem.
8. Many of the most famous pictures of Elvis were taken at 1034 Audubon Drive. Elvis allowed Alfred Wertheimer to follow him at close range for months that year. Alfred shot Elvis, young cousin Billy Smith, and Vernon sitting by the patio table. Elvis has cocked his head to one side to observe the photographer and is holding a Pepsi bottle. This photo has been reproduced thousands of times. An even more famous photo is of Elvis on his Harley-Davidson, casting his eyes downward. It is the most iconic photo of moody, restless youth of the 1950's. Actually, Elvis was not striking a pose, but was disgusted that his motorcycle did not have gas in the tank. He could not start it.
9. Eight families have owned 1034 Audubon between the years 1957 to 1998. After all these years, Elvis was the last homeowner to add a room to the house. Elvis converted the outdoor patio into a large den; with a glass wall to look out to the pool, two wood and glass trophy cases, mahogany wood paneling, custom made star shaped light fixtures, and an acoustic tile ceiling. The room looks the same today. Although he was the homeowner for one year, he made far more changes to the house than everyone else after him.
10. Finally they knew that they had to move into a place with more privacy and security than was possible at 1034 Audubon Drive. It is well known that the Presley bought Graceland from Ruth Brown Moore, a member of a wealthy Memphis family who built that estate home in 1939. Graceland was named after a relative of Mrs. Moore, but few knew that Mrs. Moore swapped homes with the Presley’s. She took possession of 1034 Audubon Drive and rented it to another relative. Elvis paid $102,000 for Graceland, half of that in cash, and half in the assessed value of 1034 Audubon Drive.
Graceland Farms began construction in 1939 and completed construction in 1940. The magnificent Estate was built as an exemplary Georgian Colonial style. Graceland Farms originally encompassed 500 acres, with a 25 acre man made fully stocked with regional fish. The Mansion was designed to have wonderful views of the tree lined driveway and all of the beautiful landscaping that covered Graceland with beautiful flowers, trees, shrubs, etc. and encompassed 13.8 acres. Graceland Farms was located in the Whitehaven District of Memphis on Highway 51 (note: this was later named as Elvis Presley Boulevard in appreciation of Elvis) and was purchased by Dr. Thomas D. Moore. Graceland Farms, in contrast to the beautiful “Mansion”, was used for the raising and selling of Hereford Cows.
In 1957 Gladys and Vernon had seen Graceland and then Elvis went to see Graceland. Elvis and his Mother fell in love with the home and Vernon, who had watched Elvis be delivered in a “1 one shotgun house (i.e. so small you had 4 walls and 2 doors 1 door in front and 1 in back. the total cost to build the house was less than $200.00) in Tupelo” 22 years ago was now contemplating buying this magnificent home.
At the time Elvis, Vernon, and Gladys had seen the home the Mansion had 10,266 square feet. Numerous times over the years Elvis added to the home and as of 2010 the home is 17,552 square feet (excluding the Racquetball Building) or 19,552 including the Racquetball Building.
Elvis had previously purchased a home in Memphis at 1034 Audubon Drive in Memphis but between the Fans standing outside the home 24/7, the neighbors being inconvenienced and complaining, the Press reporting about the “all night fans” and the neighbors “peace and quiet” being disturbed Elvis and his Family had decided that they needed a larger home that was close enough to get to “town” but further out of Town with a lot of land and security. Graceland Farms fit the criteria.
The Presleys, unbeknown to them, were not the only interested purchasers for Graceland Farms. The Catalog Store that contained all that one could hope for aka” SEARS wanted to buy all the land and build a large store displaying all of their goods to Memphis residents and visitors.
Also, the Church wanted to buy a part of the land so Sears was notified to find out if they would be willing to do so (as they were buying more than enough land for their purposes but their “data” confirmed that Memphis was an “up and coming City” and Highway 51 was planned to become “THE” Highway in Memphis with thousands of consumers going up and down Highway 51 daily) and Sears ultimately responded that they wanted “everything”.
An immediate telephone call was placed to Vernon Presley telling him about the other “potential buyers” being Sears and the Church. Vernon knew that if he did not get this home for Elvis, who in turn wanted the home for his beloved Mother Gladys where they could live in comfort and peace, that Elvis would be “shattered”. The last thing Vernon Presley wanted was to let down Elvis and Gladys so after hanging up the telephone, after inquiring “what can be done so we get the place”?, Vernon waited and waited to find out the answer to his question. Every hour felt like a lifetime and this was the most important purchase of Elvis’ life a home that THEY OWNED and no one could take away from them. It was more than bricks and mortar it was a home, a blessing, and a dream come true. All that had to happen was for Sears to go away and the Church to agree to let Elvis have it. Vernon thought long and hard about the options and being known as a “penny pencher” he knew that he would have to pay “top price” to get Graceland and she was worth every penny.
Vernon gathered his thoughts and then started dialing the phone where Elvis would be at. When Elvis answered the first question was “whats the news on Graceland”? Vernon tried to sound confident while updating Elvis to the entire series of events. Elvis knew that Dr. Moore, was an honorable and religious man who helped out the community routinely.
Elvis, who was always a quick thinker, came to the compromise that they would buy Graceland and all the land and then sell a part of it to the Church. Elvis was also a very spiritual/religious man and decided that it would be “good” to have others singing and praying to God on the property right next door. So Elvis called Vernon and said “do it” (i.e. Elvis would keep Graceland and a large part of the land with a smaller part of the land going to the Church) and added one stipulation and that was for Elvis to have a “right of easement” to be able to enter in from the Churches parking lot and go directly into Graceland through this “secret entrance” (i.e. not through the iconic Muscial Note Gates at Front of Graceland).
Vernon called the Real Estate Agent back and was told they were waiting on Sears to respond. The Real Estate Agent called Dr. Moore to let him know that Elvis was interested, at full price less what the Church wanted in property and Elvis would pay the Church directly for the easement. Dr. Moore was pleased that Elvis allowed the Church options and “impressed” when he learned that Elvis grew up singing Religious Hymns – never drank – did not smoke – always said “yes sir” or “yes mam” to his elders and was a respectful man who wanted to provide an “easier living” for his family and have a safe “HOME” to return to where he could raise a family and enjoy the beauty of the property and the blessings that God bestowed to all of us.
Sears called back hesitant about letting the Church have some of the property so the Realtor called Vernon to tell him the good news. On March 26, 1957 Vernon, Gladys, and Elvis signed the paperwork (jointly) and purchased Graceland for (approximately $ 103,000.00. Gladys Presley cried as she was handed the keys to her home as Elvis and Vernon hugged her and Elvis kissed her forehead telling her “I love you” and “I am doing all of this for you momma”.
1957 Elvis career was going great, his movies were all hits, his songs sold millions, his relationship with his parents was good and he now owned a Mansion that could allow him options to rest or to play and to add to as Elvis’ interests changed.
Gladys was so happy she shed tears of joy hugging everyone and telling Elvis he had given them the “most beautiful home ever”. Gladys, once she really came to terms that the home was theirs, began to plan on the designing and furnishings of the home and she asked Elvis for what he wanted and he gave her a few requirements but most of all he hugged and kissed her and said “lil satnin this be all yours” then they looked into each other eyes and jointly began to cry. X Interestingly, 9 months later on Christmas Eve Elvis would receive his “hand delivered” Draft Notice. Elvis’ 1st Christmas at Graceland went from tears of joy, love, presents, laughing, etc. to Elvis reading and re-reading the draft notice (in semi-shock). In 1958 Elvis, now in the Army, said “things could not get any worse” and yet on August 14, 1958 his beloved Mother Gladys Love Presley passed away. Some of the most “traumatic/emotional” photographs ever taken of Elvis were taken while Elvis and Vernon sat on the front steps of Graceland with their arms around each others’ shoulders crying. Repeating “shes gone” “everything I loved is gone” “Why, why?” and Vernon “saying how sorry he was while consoling Elvis.
Elvis first 2 years at Graceland were filled with “ups and downs”. From 1958 – 1960 Elvis served his term in the US Army and was honorably discharged. When Elvis returned some things at Graceland “changed” (i.e. paint, trim, way room was used, etc.) but out of respect for his Mother Elvis left as much of her things as they were during her lifetime.
Elvis LOVED Graceland and it truly was his “home”. It was fitting, though no less painful to accept, that Elvis died at Graceland and is buried at Graceland with his Mother, Father, and Grandmother. Their head stones rest in the meditation gardens which Elvis had built in the 1960’s and thousands of fans come to Graceland each week to see Graceland and to pay their respects.
Lastly, I would be remiss if I did not say that Elvis Fans Worldwide should say a heartfelt “thanks” to Priscilla, Lisa Marie, and Jack Soden for allowing Graceland to be seen and for the professional endeavors they are involved in. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND visiting Graceland, EPE, and/or I also HIGHLY RECOMMEND Elvis Fans Worldwide seeking out, and monetarily supporting, and paying their respects to Marty Lacker, Marty Fike, Billy Smith, Red West, Sonny West, Joe Esposito, Jerry Schilling, etc. Elvis loved these men and they spend the better part of the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s working with Elvis 24/7. I say aloud THANK YOU and God bless you all in each of your personal and professional endeavors!
It is with eternal sadness that we mourn the passing of Lisa Marie Presley Elvis' beloved daughter.
Lisa Marie was the living breathing connection we had to Elvis but now she is reunited with her father and loving son. May God give us the strength to oneday celebrate her life once these tears have dried.
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ElvisCollectorInfo 1967-2025 All Rights Reserved
The words above were written by Elvis along with the header of "philosophy for a happy life" Thank you for visiting us and please tell others about us. God bless you.