Boy my boy, we are sure glad you are here. Celebrating the life of Elvis Presley.
Boy my boy, we are sure glad you are here. Celebrating the life of Elvis Presley.
This page is dedicated to my beloved mother Judith Van Fleet who lived during the entirety of Elvis' career, saw him perform live in concert, and is a true Elvis Presley expert.
She will share her opinions, & reviews, of specific Elvis songs, videos, & concerts.
Mom says go to sleep listening to Elvis songs via Alexa
Review of the Priscilla Presley movie "Priscilla".
I didn't like it.
It made Elvis out to be a one-dimensional and mean person.
Anything that has the name Elvis associated with it makes money sadly.
After 7 decades I am still waiting on a legitimate indepth movie, or a 2 part or 3 part, about Elvis Presley, truthfully, and in context.
Judy Van Fleet is a bona fide Elvis Presley expert. She LOVES Elvis and has since the 1950's.
Even today there is not a day that goes by that she is not listening to Elvis music or watching an Elvis video or watching an Elvis movie. This page is dedicated to her and we are thankful to have her input and opinions.
It is the most beautiful song and you can just hear the emotion. You can't describe the effect it had. Elvis felt his music from his heart and soul. It wasn't that he just picked up a mike and sang the words. It was like he was giving you a gift and you just wanted more and more.
Yes over 50,000 Elvis Presley Fans across the world have visited this page. WOW!
We are humbled and thankful to each Elvis Presley Fan.
And the great news is that there will be more content added to this page and more content added to this website. the premier Elvis Presley website
This is one of my favorite songs/memories. White was definitely Elvis' color. His white outfits were magnificent. Elvis' 1968 TV Special entitled "Elvis" was a welcome departure from the movies some of which were embarrassing I was embarrassed for him. He couldn't wait to perform live & audiences couldn't wait for him
My mother who was in her late 80’s early 90’s only weighed 70 pounds.
She said that is the most handsome man.
She only listened to his records and saw his pictures, but she loved Elvis.
Her favorite Elvis song was For The Good Times and she would harmonize and me and her and Elvis would sing the songs together.
Her favorite Elvis gospel was Peace In The Valley
And my funeral will be very unconventional. It will be an Elvis concert. If you don’t like Elvis, you don’t’ like me so don’t come.
I think in some ways Elvis ran out of life before he ran out of time
They had to put glass over Gladys' casket to keep Elvis from touching her. He loved her so much.
Elvis will always be the King and I will always be his loyal subject.
A fan spent $ 11,000..00 on one of Elvis' shirts and one strand of horse hair from Elvis' horse.
Seeing Elvis was an intervenous experience with excitement.
Sam Phillips said Elvis was the most timid person he had ever met.
80% of the opulation of the United States watched Elvis on the Ed Sullivan Show in 1956.
If I could go bak in time and spend a week with Elvis I would go back to 1968 when Elvis did his comeback special.
Elvis was so handsome you could not find a flaw on him he was beautiful.
I enjoy " Known Only To Him" .
My top 5 Elvis songs - I can't decide.
Did you ever notice that even as a child Elvis curled his lips.
Here at we strive to highlight every aspect of the life, onstage and off, of Elvis Presley.
We do not shy away from his "shortcomings" as no one is, or was, perfect except our Lord.
We hope you enjoyed visiting and please let others know about us via Social Media and good ole' fashioned word of mouth. Thank you
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The words above were written by Elvis along with the header of "philosophy for a happy life" Thank you for visiting us and please tell others about us. God bless you.